Thursday 25th January 2024

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Special Delivery

The new arrivals

Today we took delivery of our willow rod cuttings. Five different coloured varieties.

Salix alba Britzensis 'Scarlet Willow', Salix triandra 'Black Maul', Salix nigricanis, Salix purpurea Procumbens, Salix alba x fragilis 'Flanders Red'.

The cuttings were planted up immediately in pots using our own recycled compost. Hopefully they will establish over the coming weeks and produce a healthy root system.

Potting up

We have already picked an area in which we intend to plant up our coloured willow varieties.

This area is currently covered in bramble, and lies on the left hand path at the bottom of the slope before the ponds.

As it is close to the path it should provide an interesting winter display of different coloured willows.


Apparently, these cuttings, once established, can put on 6 feet of growth in a season, so we may have our first display by winter of this year 2024.

The added bonus is that we will then have a ready supply of willow to try our hand at basket weaving.

Phil and Clare meanwhile concentrated on putting up our remaining restored bird nesting boxes.


Willow this Christmas bring a colourful present? Sorry! Couldn't resist.