Thursday 5th October 2023

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More Housekeeping Duties

Once again the weather held out for us and we enjoyed a mild and pleasant morning.

Nothing special to report this week. We continued to clear brambles back from the paths and grass areas. Now that the blackberry picking season is over we can finally tackle this burgeoning overgrowth.

The work took place at the bottom of the arboretum, close to the pond area. Unfortunately, our Husqvarna ride-on mower is suffering from a punctured front tyre at the moment. So, it was the case of temporarily piling up the cuttings in suitable places until such times as they can be picked up with the trailer and disposed of in the back borders, where they are allowed to rot down naturally.

It is a point worth noting that none of the green waste that is produced on site at the arboretum is taken off site. It is either composted using our 4 green waste bins or removed to the more remote areas to be allowed to decompose naturally.