Tree Identification by Canopy

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Tibetan Cherry Tree

Tibetan Cherry

Prunus serrula

Cockspur Thorn Tree

Cockspur Thorn

Crataegus persimilis 'Prunifolia'

Common Whitebeam Tree

Common Whitebeam

Aria edulis


London Plane Tree

London Plane

Platanus hispanica

Wild Cherry Tree

Wild Cherry

Prunus avium

Common Alder Tree

Common Alder

Alnus glutinosa


Sessile Oak Tree

Sessile Oak

Quercus petraea

Silver Birch Tree

Silver Birch

Betula pendula

Rock Whitebeam Tree

Rock Whitebeam

Sorbus rupicola


Elderberry Tree


Sambucus nigra

Downy Birch Tree

Downy Birch

Betula pubescens

Field Maple Tree

Field Maple

Acer campestre


Common Hazel Tree

Common Hazel

Corylus avellana