Thursday 15th February 2024

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"Milk flower of the snow"

Snowdrops by the inner gate.
Digging out the next batch.
Leaf clearing under the Scots Pine.
Leaves removed.

Just by the inner gates of the arboretum is a lovely display of Snowdrops. The scientific name Galanthus nivalis means 'milk flower of the snow', which refers to both the common snowdrop's flower colour and early flowering time.

Common snowdrops are among the first spring blooms that decorate woodland floors, meadows, and gardens with a carpet of white.

Preparing the area.
Replantng in the new area.

This Snowdrop display was created last year by transplanting those Snowdrops growing in and around our compost bins to the area near the gate.

Today we repeated the experiment, digging up more Snowdrops from the rear of the compost bins, dividing them and replanting them under the first Scots Pine on the right hand path.

We look forward to an even better display next year at this time. A big bonus was the very mild and pleasant weather we enjoyed.

Job Done !

A little bit of sunshine and the blooms of our Snowdrops reminds us that Spring is fast approaching.