Again the first task of the day was further weaving and improvements to our two willow structure tunnels.
One group of volunteers finished laying down the nearby wood chips as ground cover within the tunnels.
The second group weaved in any fresh growth on the sides of the tunnels and were also able to start re-adjusting the top of the tunnel. This latter operation involved redoing some of the temporary ties that were previously put in. A more rounded effect was achieved.
The second task of the day was tidying up an area near the top of the arboretum. This area contains specimen trees such as Silver and Downy Birch, Hazel and Bird and Tibetan Cherry.
As with many of our other areas, there was the usual unwanted tree saplings, suckers and overhanging branches to be dealt with.
The Tibetan Cherry in particular was ivy infested and once this was removed the tree looked much more handsome!
Splendid Work!