Activities at the Arboretum


Dawn Chorus

Saturday 25th May and Saturday 1st June, myself and some of the arboretum volunteers intend to meet early at the arboretum to experience the dawn chorus.

Members of the public are very welcome to join our little adventure. If that is something that sparks your interest, then please do come along.

It is a very early start though: 5:00 am in the morning. The visitor centre will be open, including the public toilets. Free tea and coffee will be available between 5:00 and 5:15 am. We intend to start our walk around at 5:15 am sharp.

The walk itself will be lead by our resident amateur ornithologist, Phil Taylor, who hopes to be able to draw your attention to bird song and interesting facts about our local bird population.

But, of course, we claim no control over either the weather, or the willingness of our feathered friends to participate.

The walk is expected to last no longer than an hour at most. All age groups are welcome, young children included, and buggies, pushchairs, wheelchairs can all be accommodated.

For a memorable start to your Saturday, and the chance to indulge in a once in a lifetime opportunity, feel free to simply turn up on either morning. The Carisbrooke Road gates and car park will be open.

If you would like to register your interest, or have questions, simply email

Please indicate your date of attendance and we will inform you of any changes to plans that may occur in the meantime.



Feed the ducks

Attenborough Arboretum - Mallard Ducks

We currently have two female mallards, each with 8 ducklings in tow, residing in our ponds.

By all means feed them a little when you visit. This will encourage them to stay. Bread is not the best option.

Some healthier options include; sweetcorn, lettuce, peas, oats, rice and seeds.

Mallard Ducks Notice - Attenborough Arboretum


Leicester and Rutland Wildlife Trust - 2024

The LRWT have been holding outdoor nature events for children at the Attenborough Arboretum for many years.

To browse the current list of activities scheduled here this summer please click on the link below.

LRWT - About Us


The Attenborough Arboretum Volunteer Programme

the Volunteering Programme

A friendly group of volunteers meet most Thursday mornings during the year to tackle various tasks around the arboretum.

If this is something that may interest you please click on the link below.

The Volunteering Programme


Try your hand at Willow Weaving

Willow Leaves

Nobody can have failed to notice our beautiful living willow tunnel that was planted out in March of this year (2023).

It is absolutely thriving now and growing weekly. To be a success all living willow structures need to be regularly woven, as the new growth comes and before it loses it's pliability and turns to hard wood.

Please do try your hand at weaving the willow. It would be a great help and is a relaxing and simple activity that both adults and children can enjoy. The willow structure is there for your education and entertainment.

Weaving is easy. Simply weave the long pliant new growth back into the existing framework in an in-and-out criss-cross fashion and an upward direction. A short instructional video is available here.

Happy Weaving